Artists From Abroad — for free U.S. artist visa information

The definitive online source for information about the U.S. artist visa process can be found at the website, Artists from Abroad. It is the most complete and up-to-date online resource for foreign guest artists, their managers, and performing arts organizations. Immigration attorney Jonathan Ginsburg and tax expert Robyn Guilliams have authored indispensable guidance featured on this site, and we provide the forms and web links you need to steer through the process of engaging guest artists reliably, efficiently, and lawfully. The League of American Orchestras and Association of Performing Arts Professionals (formerly the Association for Performing Arts Presenters) have consulted with nationally-recognized experts to create this invaluable resource.

On the Move — for free international artist visa help and info

On The Move is a Brussels-based NGO that facilitates cross-border mobility in the arts and culture sector, contributing to the building of a vibrant European shared cultural space that is strongly connected worldwide. Born as a website, OtM has evolved into a dynamic network which now includes 50+ member organisations and individuals in Europe and internationally.

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